-Emma has the best laugh and it is not a subtle laugh. This is a deep down belly laugh and it is awesome.
-Emma is close to being able to put her pacifier back in her mouth when it falls out. Most of the time it ends up backwards, but that is pretty good in my book.
-Our nighttime routine is pretty set. Emma knows that after her fun bath (with dad) is eating/cuddling and then bed time. Most nights she sleeps long stretches at a time (5-7 hours) with only minimal waking.
-Emma is now sleeping in her own room. I have heard that this is something that people look forward to, but Joe and I have had a bit of a hard time with it. I am certain that Emma is getting more sleep than we are.
-Her legs are getting stronger. She has been able to support her own weight for a while now, but her legs now stay straight when we help her.
-On that note, she is also pushing her butt up in the air when on her belly...she is going to be crawling in no time.
-We went on our first overnight trip at the end of December. Emma did a great job. Her sleep schedule was only a bit off and she didn't have any fits which means we are now (kind of) mobile.
-Her personality is really beginning to form. It is difficult to put in words, but watching her become a individual is amazing.
-Emma does not mind to have on hats, ribbons, headbands...this just adds to her cuteness.
-Her fascination with food had gone beyond watching us and she has started to try to grab at what we are eating or drinking. Her favorite thing to try and grab is bottled water, especially sparkling water. Note: it is very hard to get a baby to let go of a handful of pizza.