Tuesday, August 9, 2011

One Whole Week

Emma has been here for an entire week. She was born at 2pm on Tuesday August 2nd. We have been home since Thursday and we have been slowly figuring things out ever since. Each day we learn a little more that makes our lives easier and allows us to feel a bit more like ourselves.

At first, Emma had a hard time figuring out the whole eating thing, but now that has been settled we are trying to put together some kind of "routine" (which will constantly change... but it is a nice thought).

This first week has been full of fun milestones:
-first "bath"
-the losing of the cord
-eating without the use of a bottle
-first time peeing on Dad (and the second, third...)
-filing her nails: she went to town scratching her face in the hospital, so we have tried to stop that
-two doctor appointments
-growing an inch
-gaining back some of her initial weight
-the cat leaving her favorite toy by the rocking chair: this may not seem like a big deal, but that is a major sign of affection in this house
-first book: The Very Hungry Caterpillar
-first baseball game watched: Red Sox vs. Yankees
-first Papi homerun seen

This has been the craziest week of my life, but that little face makes everything seem like a tiny hiccup on the way towards something amazing.


  1. she's so beautiful!!!! congrats!!!!

  2. She's is wonderful! So ridiculously happy for you all!

  3. Love, love, love all the pictures! Especially the one of Joe reading to her, and you snuggling with her after her bath. And she was very stylish coming home from the hospital! :) xoxo

  4. Love every picture. she is so tiny!!!! :-) much love!
