Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Two Months to Emma!!

Two month factoids:
-Emma is starting to grow out of her newborn clothes (except the Circo brand...that stuff is huge) and moving towards wearing 0-3. I don't think I will ever get used to retiring pieces of clothing because they are too small, but Joe might be worse. He was so upset when this outfit no longer fit that we had to take a picture of the last time she wore it:
(Joe's Note: ...because Ducky and Froggy are awesome and Best says so on the outfit)
-It seems as though Emma let me know of her love of owls from the womb. The pattern on the rocking chair has become a point of interest for her. She loves to look and smile at the owls behind my shoulders. It has gotten to the point where I try to rock her without turning any lights on during a late night/early morning feeding, because if I don't she wakes right up when she sees her owl friends.
-Emma is not at the point where she is really playing with toys, but there are two objects that she loves. One is THE pig (as it is referred to in our house) that plays music. The music is magically not annoying and it calms her down quickly. We had it with us during Emma's first shot and the nurse was amazed by how much Emma loved the pig. The other toy is a monkey that came with her gym mat. She stares at it and smiles. Sometimes she even laughs at it.
-Bath time is no longer a sign of doom. They now make her happy and peaceful. Hooray!
-However, the stroller must be evil. There has only been one walk that did not result in tears. Sadly, this magical walk did not involve the stroller whatsoever because I put her in the moby wrap before even leaving the house.
-Most of the time Emma is a cheery little gal, but she knows when it is time for her to be sleeping. If try and keep her active pass 7 she gets fussy until we cave and stop playing with her.
-I did not give Emma a pacifier until after she was six weeks old. Since then we have tried a number of them and Emma is just not interested. This is a good thing and a bad thing...jury is still out on that one.
-She has the longest eyelashes I have ever seen. They are still light in color, but one day she is going to be the envy of every girl around her... including me.
-Emma is a complete cuddle bug which makes me feel like one of the luckiest moms in the world.

Note: she is wearing a newborn onesie in her two month pics.


  1. I LOVE the new photos! Her eyes are GIGNORMOUS! And her fluffy ducky hair. That little froggy and ducky outfit is cute, I would hate to see it go, too! Of course she has the longest eyelashes ... Joe ... I, unfortunately did not get that trait. I got the super-light eyelashes, but they are also not long like Joe's. Can't wait to see my little niecey! However, it seems like she will be walking and talking before that even happens! :(

  2. She is so precious. She has changed SOOOOO much. I am finally over that cough and if you're sitting down when you're reading this, Dad is taking a week off. So I hope we can make it that last week of October before Emma turns 3 months old.
