Monday, February 13, 2012

Emma is Already 6 Months Old!

-At her 6-month checkup, Emma weighed just over 14 pounds and measured 24 inches.  She is tiny.  The funny thing is that she never looks that small in pictures, or videos, but trust me... she is little.
-Food is our current adventure.  So far, she is more into vegetables than fruit.  While this is great, it is also very weird.  I mentioned this in a previous post, but Emma loves the song "Apples and Bananas" and now we know she does not actually like either of these fruits.  Hopefully this will change.
-Emma is a big fan of sitting up.  She can pretty much sit unassisted even though she does take a graceful tumble every once in a while.
-Even though Emma is tiny, she is very strong.  She can pull herself up when holding our hands.  And she can "stand" while leaning on something...which totally counts when you are 6 months old.
-We knew that parenting was going to be an amazing new adventure, but we never thought we would be blessed with such a happy girl.  She laughs and smiles most of the day.
-It is even easy to see when she is smiling while she has a pacifier in her mouth.
-She is not crawling yet, but we think she will be super soon.  She can get into crawling stance, but once she is there she gets a bit confused and just lays back down.  She is one heck of a roller though; Emma would roll for a mile if we let her.
-She wants to talk.  She watches us as we talk and tries to move her mouth like we do. These efforts usually end in her smiling and laughing at us.
-Just so you know that Joe and I do exist, here is a picture of Emma dancing with Daddy and one of her hugging Mommy.

Instead of continuing with written info about all things Emma I thought this would speak volumes (watch the entire video to see what she's laughing about):


  1. oh my goodness that video is hilarious!!!

  2. what a cutie! you guys really lucked out with such a sweetheart! as for the small thing...hello! look at her momma! so sweet!
