Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Emma's Thoughts on Apples

Since Emma has turned 6 months (picture post to follow) she has been given the go ahead to eat solid foods. She began eating rice cereal about a month and a half ago and she has been very receptive to the whole idea of eating with a spoon, so we are hoping the transition will be a smooth one.

For Emma's first solid food we decided on sweet potatoes. They have a nice texture and they are sweet without being a super sweet fruit. Here is her first solid meal in pictures:
What is this new orange stuff?
This feels odd on my tongue.
I think I am ok with this.

She never smiled during the process, but she never spit it out. I am pretty sure she liked it because she opened her mouth every time I put the spoon up. The next day we tried peas. These were not an easy sell, so we ended up mixing them with rice cereal and she was much happier.

I really want to make the majority of Emma's food from scratch, so I spent some time on Sunday making two flavors: carrots and butternut squash. She taste tested both and everything seems ok...and the process makes me feel very fancy.
After trying so many new vegetables I thought it would be nice to give her some tasty fruit. Since Emma's favorite song is "Apples and Bananas" I thought it would be appropriate to give her apples. Well, this is how she felt about that...

Yes, that is the Superbowl in the background.

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